Frequently Asked Questions From Teachers

Due to the uncertainties surrounding the 2021/22 school year, JA is planning for a variety of scenarios. We are hoping to deliver our programs with in-person volunteers but will be prepared to offer all of the delivery options below.

Delivery options will include:

  • In-person Volunteer: JA volunteers will facilitate programs to students in the classroom.
  • Virtual Volunteer: JA volunteers will facilitate programs from their own workspace for student’s in-class.
  • Teacher-led: JA will provide teachers with all the necessary tools and materials to facilitate programs in-class or online
  • Self-directed online: Students will be provided with a link to access our online programs from their own workspace.

JA is the largest youth education organization in Canada focusing on entrepreneurship, financial literacy and work readiness. JA serves students from coast to coast, and works in partnership with educators, volunteers and businesses to help youth expand their potential, engage in their own economic development, contribute to the strength of their community and Canada’s economy.

JA Southern Alberta reaches over 27,318 students each year with the help of volunteers and community partners who share in our mission to inspire and educate young Albertans to succeed in the global economy.